1963 Premier Issue Commemorative Reprint

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Product Details

“…the best first issue of any magazine ever.”—The New Yorker

The New York Review of Books began during the long news blackout of the New York publishing strike in 1963. A group of friends, including the editors Robert Silvers and Barbara Epstein with Elizabeth Hardwick and Robert Lowell, decided to create a new kind of magazine: “The hope of the editors is to suggest, however imperfectly, some of the qualities which a responsible literary journal should have and to discover whether there is, in America, not only the need for such a review but the demand for one.”

This 48-page commemorative reprint includes Mary McCarthy on William Burroughs, Jonathan Miller on John Updike, John Berryman on W.H. Auden, Susan Sontag on Simone Weil, Philip Rahv on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gore Vidal on John Hersey, and poems by Robert Lowell and Robert Penn Warren. Originally published February 1, 1963.

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