Sponsor Dingo

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Regular price $25

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Product Details

Dingo’s caregivers describe him as “one of the happiest dogs you’ll ever meet.” That’s impressive, considering that he was once used as a fighting dog and struggles with several health issues. Dingo has babesia, an incurable blood-borne illness, and his kidney function must be watched closely. He also receives medication, hydrotherapy and laser therapy to help ease his back pain. Dingo loves to be the center of attention and needs to be the only dog in a home. Because of these challenges, it’s taking some time to find a family for him. While he waits, he enjoys car rides, long walks and lots of TLC.  

Keep Dingo on the road to recovery by sponsoring him today.

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How Your Gift Helps

Your sponsorship gift supports the work of Best Friends Animal Society and helps Save Them All. To assist the greatest number of animals in need, and to make sure your gift does the most good, your donation will be used in combination with other sponsorship gifts to help save the lives of animals.