Sponsor Reindeer

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Regular price $25

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Product Details

Reindeer was a new mom when she arrived at our lifesaving center in Los Angeles. She was then transferred to the Sanctuary. This full-figured cat is a bit of a contradiction: She is fearful of people, but is always the first one at the door to say hello. And while she’s not likely to curl up in your lap, she will happily accept treats. Though Reindeer’s caregivers have been working with her, it will take time, patience and understanding for her to open up and let new people into her life. Until then, she is happy to call the Sanctuary her home.  

Help Reindeer learn to trust again by sponsoring her.

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How Your Gift Helps

Your sponsorship gift supports the work of Best Friends Animal Society and helps Save Them All. To assist the greatest number of animals in need, and to make sure your gift does the most good, your donation will be used in combination with other sponsorship gifts to help save the lives of animals.