Sponsor Woody

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Regular price $25

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Product Details

Woody survived Hurricane Harvey only to wind up being quarantined for distemper, a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease. While in quarantine, Woody had to be swabbed daily to test for contagion and that, as you might imagine, is not especially fun. So Woody started thinking maybe people weren’t all that great. But working with his caregivers, he’s slowly learning to trust humans again. A wiggly and happy dog, Woody likes to dig tunnels, go for long walks and chase water from a hose.  

You can help keep Woody on track for success by sponsoring him today.

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How Your Gift Helps

Your sponsorship gift supports the work of Best Friends Animal Society and helps Save Them All. To assist the greatest number of animals in need, and to make sure your gift does the most good, your donation will be used in combination with other sponsorship gifts to help save the lives of animals.