STET! A game for language lovers, grammar geeks, and bibliophiles

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Product Details

Whats’ wrong with this sentence?

If that misplaced apostrophe leapt right off the page, this is the game for you. Based on the New York Times bestseller by Random House’s copy chief Benjamin Dreyer, STET! will help you sharpen or show off your language skills.  One hundred entertaining sentences await you, the copyeditor, to correct—or, alternatively, to STET (a copyeditor’s term that means “let it stand”).  The first person to spot the error, or, if there is no error, to call out “STET!”, gets the card.

There are two ways to play: compete for points in a straightforward grammar game, or play with style and syntax and whip the author’s sentences into splendid shape. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins. This is a witty, informative, challenging, and fun card game for language lovers.